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The Gift That Matters
"From a very young age, my oldest daughter has been a gift giver. Like most children, her offerings consisted of items that adults wouldn't ordinarily classify as gifts. Broken seashells, traumatized frogs, dying weeds, and misshapen rocks were often presented in small, dirt-laden hands beneath a wide smile. In the past two years my child's gift giving practices have moved up a notch. Gifts are no... posted on Feb 09 2013, 25,342 reads


The Gift That Matters
"From a very young age, my oldest daughter has been a gift giver. Like most children, her offerings consisted of items that adults wouldn't ordinarily classify as gifts. Broken seashells, traumatized frogs, dying weeds, and misshapen rocks were often presented in small, dirt-laden hands beneath a wide smile. In the past two years my child's gift giving practices have moved up a notch. Gifts are no... posted on Feb 08 2013, 0 reads


The Mahatma and the Poet
"Between 1915 and 1941, Mahatma Gandhi -- who was assassinated 65 years ago -- exchanged a series of letters with Indian poet, philosopher, and celebrated creative spirit Rabindranth Tagore, debating such subjects as truth, freedom, democracy, courage, education, and the future of humanity as India struggled for its independence...These letters are unique in that they were private in nature but p... posted on Feb 07 2013, 14,596 reads


A Manifesto for Living
"Here's to the ones who were told to stop. To give up. To quit trying. To shove themselves into a little box because the world never needed their arms stretched out wide. Here's to the ones who refused to listen. To the negatives. To the naysayers. To pessimists and the procrastinators. Here's to the ones who believe in Away. And Going. And Newness within Newness. And a world made to wash us and m... posted on Feb 06 2013, 24,365 reads


Sarah Lahey's Hunt for Happiness
Sara Lahey's hunt for happiness began at age 5, sitting alone in a closet, determined to prevent any other child from experiencing the pain that she was feeling at that moment. By age 14, Lahey realized that when things were toughest for her, it was by helping other people that she felt the best -- those were the few, precious moments when she truly felt happy. Listen to Lahey's TEDx talk to find ... posted on Feb 05 2013, 6,174 reads


Rescue of Burned Puppy Comes Full Circle
"Anyone who has ever saved an animal will tell you that its the kind of experience that shakes up your DNA. You won't regrow hair on a balding head or suddenly run a four-minute-mile, but there is a pulse of positive energy that churns through the human body much like a twister. In some cases, fragments of that emotional explosion are powerful enough to be credited with modern medical miracles. An... posted on Feb 04 2013, 16,867 reads


Journeys for Good
"A little more than three years ago, Steve and Joanie Wynn were looking to get out of a rut. Their video production company, Bayside Entertainment, was in a slump along with the rest of the economy. So when Joanie Wynn stumbled upon Roadmonkey Adventure Philanthropy, a fledgling business started by a former New York Times war correspondent, she thought, here's a chance to do something different --... posted on Feb 03 2013, 5,574 reads


A Taste For Life: Adam Campbell
Every now and then, if you're lucky, you run across someone like Adam Campbell. In this interview he shares one key insight after another. "If you think about a city, almost every single thing that you see is artificial. It's created in the minds of men and women and is a projection of our own ideas. And there is a great paucity of imagination there. Everything is in straight lines. Everything has... posted on Feb 02 2013, 5,094 reads


The Legacy of Baghcheban
"One day three deaf boys were brought to the school. No one in all of Iran in all of its history had ever thought of educating a deaf person. Everyone believed the deaf to be uneducable; they were treated as imbeciles. But Baghcheban could not ignore these three children. He tried to make them laugh, to reach them, to connect. He went to sleep that night haunted by the confusion and loneliness he ... posted on Feb 01 2013, 12,850 reads


A 7 Year, 30 Million Steps Reporting Assignment
Call it "the longest walk". In what is probably the longest, most arduous piece of reportage ever undertaken, Paul Salopek, an experienced writer for National Geographic, is embarking on the astonishing task of retracing the journey taken by early man tens of thousands of years ago. Beginning in the exotic surroundings of the Great Rift Valley in Ethiopia, Salopek will take an estimated 30 million... posted on Jan 31 2013, 4,276 reads


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The paradox of trauma is that it has both the power to transform and resurrect.
Peter A. Levine

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